Sunday 7 August 2016 is not another scam online work home job.  It is a real job, with real assignments

With the job market feeble, finding a job that you can work 9-5 Monday to Friday is getting rare. Sometimes you need to work two jobs to get still a forty hour work week with a forty time income. That is not easy because both companies, even if they both offer part-time employment, both require you to be fully dedicated to them and partial to the other company. When you can not, this leaves you to choose which company you want to commit the most and facing to lose fewer hours; still not getting a forty hour work week, with a forty hour work income.  So where can you go to be able to juggle two jobs and make up the needed income you are losing? I was in that position. After 18 years of working in the company, I am only able to get 24 hrs a work week.  I have tried two jobs, but I was left to choose which job I was commitment the most. So where did I turn to make up the lost wages of another 27 hours to make up the forty hours I am not earning. Where did I go to balance not only my current job but my whole life?  I have looked into many works at home jobs, much promising instant income, however, there was always a catch to making a real income. So where did I turn to that seems not to be just another unfilled promise?  I look into

What is type at home? is a real earning opportunity from home where you can truly work around your schedule. It not a quick rich scam or they promise to you to become rich but is a job that will help make an extra income. Many people tend to ridicule earning opportunities on the internet as fake, vague, dubious, or fraud. Some people may feel you are wasting your time on a project with no earnings. But I can truly say that Type at home is a real genuine opportunity for you to not only to earn extra income but an opportunity to learn a new skill that can open to other opportunities what skills you can learn? How can those skills be beneficiation? Today employers not only look at technical skills, but they also look at your employability skills. Employability skills are the non-technical skills, knowledge, and understanding, that are necessary to gain employment and participated effectively in the workplace. They are often referred to soft skills. There is ten soft skills employers look at:

1) Communication skills-listening, speaking and writing. Employers want people who can accurately interpret what others are saying and organize and express their thoughts clearly. 

2)Teamwork- In today's work environment, many jobs involve working in one or more groups.

3)Analytical and problem-solving skills. Employers want people who can use creativity, reasoning, and experience to identify and solve problems effectively.

4) Personal Management Skills: The ability to plan and manage multiple assignment and tasks, set priorities and adapt to changing conditions and work assignments.

5) Interpersonal effectiveness- Employers usually note whether as an employer can relate to co-workers and build a relationship with others in the organization.

6) Computer/technical literacy. Although employers expect to provide training on job-specific software, they also expect employees to be proficient with basic computers skills.

7) Leadership/management skills, the ability to take charge and manage your co-working if required is a welcome trait.

8) Learning skills- jobs are always changing and evolving, and the employee wants people who can grow and learn as changes come. 

9) Academic competence in reading and math. Although most jobs do not require calculus, almost all jobs require the ability to read and comprehend instruction and perform basic math.

10) High work values- dependability honesty self-confidence and a positive attitude are prized qualities in any profession Employers look for personal integrity. 

How does working for type at home help you build these skills.?

With kind at home there are four categories of jobs they are:

1) Writing and typing Articles. You are to do research, take the needed information and form an article. These will help you develop communication skills that employers look for as necessary skills. Analytical and problem-solving skills, because you are creating and forming an article out of information you research. 

Also, you are doing

2) commenting posting typing
3) Website Review 
4) Bookmarking Listing

Every assignment will have a particular topic, but may or may not include multiple tasks like article typing and bookmarking website reviewing and comment posting. All this will show an employer you have learning skills because you are learning to do some assignment not the same type of work. Personal management skills because to complete each assignment, you have to manage your time and t plan your tasks to complete the most assignment. Adapting because you may have things come up that can hinder to complete your assignment, but developing the skill adaptability, you can adapt to a situation and still complete it all. The most important skill, Academic competence because you need to understand real clear what you are promoting and how to use the right words to expression it.

How do you get Started?

First, you go to . There you have 3 options. Below is the 3 options

 At, You can join as part time typist where the fee is $29.99. You will be access to 4 assignment a day with each assignment being 25 -45 dollars pay. Making an income of 100-500 a month.  No time limit for completing your given assignment.

Or you can join as full time, where the fee is 59.99. Where you will be access to 10 assignment a day with each assignments being 45- 100 dollars. Making an income of 500-1000 a month. No time limit for completing your given assignment. 

If you have more time in your hands, and you stay home mom, or in my case, only part time, then you can join as Business owner, where there are endless tasks with more income a month. How much you make always depended on your effort, time and patient you put into your assignment. There is no limit to an assignment. You can make 100-175 dollars per assignment. The fee is 89.99 dollars. Again there is no time for completing your given tasks. Do it at your pace and leisure. You can make an earning 500-1000 a month. Owning thing with your own business, you can distribute your work to others on some payment while keeping your comfortable (self-depending) profit yourself. You also have the chance to earn commission through another affiliate with this position.

All fees are a one-time payment. Out of the 17 years that this business been running, the fee has always been the same and never increased.

You may feel that you are not aquent with computers, and you do not know how to work with a computer, but do not worry because:

At, you are given a professional step by step instruction video on how to complete your first paid assignment and a reference you can always go back to correct yourself. Once you have completed the first task and get paid, you will get access to other assignments.

There are two ways to get paid:

1) Is through Paypal, where payment is instant, but the processing time differs from country to country. (May takes up to 6 days.) Or by

2)By banker's check pay via mail. (takes longer days 7-12 days in a mailing.

When you first start your assignment, you may feel you are not getting anywhere. But you need to take time and patient and effort to not only to complete your first assignment or all your assignment. But that is how you can be profitable. Like any job, you need the time to learn how to do the task fast and well. Some companies will not give you a full pay until you learned to do the job productive and fast. For example, you may start with minimum wage than increase once you are profitable. Also like any company, that has major companies that sponsor them; your boss may ask you to redo your task because it does not meet standards of the company. Do you think the company is a scam or making up reasons not to pay you? No, you will redo it and learn from it in how to do it better for the next time. At times, Type at home may ask you to correct your assignment before you can get paid for the assignment. This does not mean it is a scam and finding a reason not to pay you. Instead, like any professional company, thing need to be done in a professional and accurate way.  It is not what some reviews say, an excuse not to pay you for your assignment. Type at Home has contracts with major companies, for example, Walmart, Amazon, etc. So of course, your assignment may need to be corrected from time to time to meet the standard of the companies they representative. Do not give up instead, use it to improve and like any job, you will learn to do it well and fast. 

That goes to another point to bring out. At you be writing an assignment for big companies like Amazon, Google much more. Type Home has a large source of tying assignment from numerous Daily profit companies or DPC's. These DPC acquire huge numbers of online assignment from big houses and companies. These companies are:

Home Depot
Coy Cable and much more. 

These assignments submit by these companies to type at home, are true companies that have a true assignment.Where you will earn legitimate money.  Beside all these activities, Type at home advertises on the Worldwide Web. It also does email marketing, heavily using pay per click of its this assignment than redistributes to home typist according to their categories. 

As mention before at,  you will be accessed to some assignments, from writing articles like this to writing reviews. From bookmarking articles to commenting articles. So you be approved with some assignments. There is No Fear you will not get enough assignment or fear that assignment will decrease over months. Why?  There is no fear that Type at Home assignment will decrease because companies are forced to diversity into affordable or comparatively cheap strategies to boost their sales, be it services, industries, manufacturing or trading sectors. They all are day by day option in online marketing methods for boost or maintaining reasonable levels of profit in their business. They need promotion like reviews, advertisement, write ups, blogging and article promotion to keep the sales of their company high. 

So because they are dealing with high profile companies,  are consistently improving the company, also improving and increase more assignment to be available for all typist. They updated the instruction video to help better equip the typist, and they have gone to the landmark of 500 assignment. 

Also at they offer to their typist opportunity to earn extra income through affiliate marketing. Type at Home affiliating with Mobile Monopoly and Lottery Circle and future offering. You to become an affiliate with them with a lucrative prereferral offer from $6,$12 and $18. All the typist do is to make referrals of these products through hyperlink during your bookmarking activities. The typist does the work once and reaps consistent income on the top of their assignment.

So as you see is not a scam like some online jobs; they are Genuity typing company that has true and major companies as clients. They offer real and legit assignment that are always in demanded in the years to come. A typist has the potential to make extra income by jobs and affiliate marketing. Type at home are honest and are always trying to improve the business so all can benefit especially the typist.

So if you like writing articles and doing research see how you can get paid at

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